Halloween Horror Nights IV

Party Beyond Your Wildest Screams!
October 14-15, 21-22, 28-31
1994 brought us the first ever scare zone as well as the first appearance of the chainsaw drill team! the term "scare-actors" was also used for the first time.
This event brought us four houses, one scarezone, and four shows. The event was only held for eight nights from 7 PM to Midnight (1 AM on peak nights.) The Dungeon of Terror, Robosaurus, Bill & Ted, and The Psycho Path Maze returned.


The Boneyard

The Boneyard (Music Plaza) / The catacombs of a recently evacuated insane asylum. The Boneyard is not easy to escape.

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The Psycho Path Maze

Bates Motel / At the Bates Motel you can check in, Mother Bates will check you out!

Dungeon of Terror

Earthquake Queue / There is no apparent escape! Are you to become the next victim of the night?

Hell's Kitchen

Nazarman's / A host of demonic butchers chase you through this bloody flight of terror.

Hollywood / Dare to enter the gates of darkness and journey down to Horrorwood Boulevard. Come face to face with hundreds of our most wanted "scareactors"! Witness talented entertainers from beyond the grave including The Chainsaw Drill Team, The Lizzie Borden Band and Axe Corps and Monks in the Hood